This is Miggy's drawing of a "Pizza Hut" delivery truck (although Pizza Hut uses company motorcycles for pizza delivery). "This is a Pizza Hut truck", he said.
Pizza is one of his favorite foods. Pizza routine every Tuesday and Thursday after his academic tutorials.
Birthday: Aug.4, 2002 Date of Evaluation: Nov. 5, 2009 Chronological Age: 7yrs/3months
Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Developmental Pediatrician: Millicent Mae Fronda-De Vera, MD, DPPS,FPSDBP
Test Administered: Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales
Present Developmental Profile: Locomotor: 6 yrs Personal/Social: 6.5 yrs Hearing and Speech: 4.5 to 5 yrs Eye and Hand Coordination: 6.5 yrs Performance: 7.5 yrs Practical Reasoning: 4.5 to 5 yrs
Behavioral Concerns: Miggy is generally behaved and compliant; impulsive at times; attention span has also improved as he can complete tasks when cued or prompted. He is very talkative but verbal reasons are still limited.
Here is Miggy's first developmental evaluation by Developmental Pediatrician: Joselyn Alonzo-Eusebio, M.D. Date of evaluation: May 13, 2005 Chronological Age: 2yrs / 9mos
Locomotor: par w/ age Personal and Social: 18 mos Hearing and speech: 15 mos Eye and Hand Coordination: 18 mos. Performance: > 2 yrs (non-verbal) Practical Reasoning > N /A
A quick drop-by at Video One is Miggy's routine every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:45am before going to his academic tutorials at the adjacent building.
At Video One, Miggy picks his favorite videos; shamelessly sings and dances; neatly returns the cds to the designated racks and waves bye to the friendly staff before he leaves.
Since I cannot break this routine because for sure it will put him in a bad mood, I always turn this into a learning experience. I ask him to name the characters and read the titles of the cds. That way, we both gain. He gets his way, I get mine.
November 1, 2009: All Saints' Day A day to remember and honor all the Saints of the ancient times and the less distant past. And that was what we just did. We chose to honor Saint Nicholas, popularly known as Santa Claus.
* Back in the days when we were still very young, my 4 sisters, my only brother and I would wake up on a December morning to find our simple Christmas tree in the living room all adorned already by my mother the previous night. Before, there were no fancy Christmas trees, instead a real tree glued with cotton was all you would ever see in any house. It was like a tree in the winter, all white. My mother wanted it to be a surprise but what she didn't know was that we could have had more fun decorating the Christmas tree ourselves. So this time, I'm breaking the rules. Let them have all the fun! Adorn it! Mess with it! Whatever! I don't care! What matters to me now is to see them happy and enjoying the Christmas spirit. Now, the tree looks the way they just wanted it to be... perfect.
MANILA, Philippines - The number of people with autism in the Philippines and other countries is on the rise, according to experts.
Dr. Alexis Reyes, Philippine Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics president, said there are no accurate statistics on autism in the Philippines but an upward trend has been observed across the globe. It is “imperative” to have a program to ensure a productive life for them despite their condition. Experts do not know why the number of people with autism is increasing. “There is no single cause so there is no single cure,” she said.
If the prevalence rate in the United States will be the basis, there are some 0.5 million Filipinos with the neuro-behavioral disorder. Of this figure, only two percent of them are given appropriate care. The ratio of autism in the US rose to 1:91 in 2009 from 1:150 a few years ago.
In 1960s-1980s the prevalence rate of autism in the US was 0.4 to 0.5 per 1,000 population but it increased to 0.71 to 1.1 per 1,000 children in 1990 and 4 to 6 per 1,1000. Autism is “likely the result of a variety of factors,” including genetic, infectious, neurologic, metabolism, immunological and environmental.
“Autism is not physical, it’s neuro-behavioral,” Doctor Reyes said. “That's what makes it very challenging for us… They look normal but they have social deficit, language problem, restricted interest and repetitive manners.” While autism is incurable, those who have it could still be productive if they would only be given adequate management and education.
Reyes said the initial cost of diagnosis for autism amounts to some P7,000. For follow ups in medical and educational, some P116,000 is required for the first year alone, she added. In the Philippines, there are only a few schools for children who have “special needs” and they are very expensive. And if there are public schools that offer special education, they mostly “fell short of expectation.”
Source: The Philippine Star (Updated November 04, 2009)
Nov. 1, 2009 : Miggy found this big empty box (which recently contained the plastic drawers I just bought). I always have my camera hanging around my neck so I wouldn't miss moments like this. Miggy excitedly asked: "Who is inside the box?" He answered himself: "Miggy is inside the box!!"
* I spent only a few pesos on the drawers but the fun he had was priceless..... far, far, far beyond what I paid for.