Birthday: Aug.4, 2002
Date of Evaluation: Nov. 5, 2009
Chronological Age: 7yrs/3months
Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Developmental Pediatrician: Millicent Mae Fronda-De Vera, MD, DPPS,FPSDBP
Test Administered: Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales
Present Developmental Profile:
Locomotor: 6 yrs
Personal/Social: 6.5 yrs
Hearing and Speech: 4.5 to 5 yrs
Eye and Hand Coordination: 6.5 yrs
Performance: 7.5 yrs
Practical Reasoning: 4.5 to 5 yrs
Behavioral Concerns:
Miggy is generally behaved and compliant; impulsive at times; attention span has also improved as he can complete tasks when cued or prompted. He is very talkative but verbal reasons are still limited.
Here is Miggy's first developmental evaluation by
Developmental Pediatrician: Joselyn Alonzo-Eusebio, M.D.
Date of evaluation: May 13, 2005
Chronological Age: 2yrs / 9mos
Locomotor: par w/ age
Personal and Social: 18 mos
Hearing and speech: 15 mos
Eye and Hand Coordination: 18 mos.
Performance: > 2 yrs (non-verbal)
Practical Reasoning > N /A
Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Main Problems:
- hyperactive; fleeting eye contact; selective attention / response
- delayed / deviant speech
- preoccupations / stereotypes
- unusual fears