Miggy at 7yrs/5mos. :
January 21, 2010: During one of his speech therapies at Play and Say Therapy Center, Teacher Justin playfully thought of asking Miggy some things that were not part of their lessons. Each question seemed incredibly easy but due to its extreme plainness, we as adults may find it difficult to answer.
Teacher (sipping her milk): Miggy, what is a girl?
Miggy (eyeing teacher's milk): "A girl is someone you use as a she."
T: What is a boy?
M: "A boy is someone you use as a he."
T: What is an animal?
M: "An animal is something you see in the zoo. Teacher Justine, why do you need to drink milk? Because you are thirsty." ... and with one quick swoop, grabbed teacher's milk and sipped!
The next day, I made a follow-up of what-questions with Miggy.
Mommy: Miggy, what is a milk?
Miggy: "A milk is something you drink."
Mom: What is a chicken?
Miggy: "A chicken is something you eat."
Mom: What is a...
Miggy: "Mommy, I don't like what-is. No more what-is."
Mom: What is no more?
Miggy: "No more is gone."
Mom: What is gone?
Miggy: "Gone is the-end. Mommy, the end! Stop talking! I don't like what-is!"
Laughing, I stopped.