26 September 2009

"I'm sorry, mommy."

Dear readers,
Here in my posts, you will see some little conversations we had with Miggy. For regular kids, this is no big deal but for children with autism, this is a giant, victorious leap in their milestones.

Sept. 24, 2009:
I caught him squeezing his toothpaste in a cup of water. Miggy, what have you done?, I asked.
He looked at me with a sorry face and said: "I'm sorry, mommy."

"This is my mother"

Miggy at 6yrs old:
Being very honest and not caring if his words were offensive, he tapped at my shoulder.
"This is my mother. She is old."

"Where is Daddy?"

Aug. 1, 2009: Bedtime:
Miggy: "Where is daddy? It's daddy's bedtime."
Mommy: Daddy is still feeding the dog.
Miggy: "I don't like daddy feed the dog, I like daddy eat the dog food!"


Aug. 24, 2009: Miggy's little conversation with Lola (Grandma):
Lola said: Miggy, Lola is going to America to visit your cousins. Lola is going to ride an airplane.
Miggy indignantly replied: "I don't like Lola go to Merica! I don't like Lola ride the airplane! Lola, pack away your suitcase!