November 1, 2009: All Saints' Day
A day to remember and honor all the Saints of the ancient times and the less distant past. And that was what we just did. We chose to honor Saint Nicholas, popularly known as Santa Claus.
* Back in the days when we were still very young, my 4 sisters, my only brother and I would wake up on a December morning to find our simple Christmas tree in the living room all adorned already by my mother the previous night. Before, there were no fancy Christmas trees, instead a real tree glued with cotton was all you would ever see in any house. It was like a tree in the winter, all white. My mother wanted it to be a surprise but what she didn't know was that we could have had more fun decorating the Christmas tree ourselves. So this time, I'm breaking the rules. Let them have all the fun! Adorn it! Mess with it! Whatever! I don't care! What matters to me now is to see them happy and enjoying the Christmas spirit. Now, the tree looks the way they just wanted it to be... perfect.