Dec. 24, 2009
It was already 10:30pm. I checked on Miggy, he wasn't asleep yet. He asked, "Mommy, where's the girl?" He was referring to his cousin, Ate Inah, whom he just met that day.
*They watched the Polar Express movie that day; they acted out some scenes from the movie, with Miggy leading the scenes. Miggy knew the movie by heart since he had watched it probably close to a hundred times already. He had memorized every scene, every dialogue, and every music played with all scenes.
*That's how Miggy is. If he likes a video, he will keep watching it over and over again for maybe a month, from morning until night. The only way for me to stop this routine is by hiding the dvd and telling him that the dvd is already broken. And he will always answer back: "Mommy, you fix it." or "Daddy will fix it." or "Mommy, you buy a dvd."