19 May 2010

"I don't want mommy to go."

"I do not want mommy to go to Korea."
I asked why.
"Because the airport is closed and the airplane is on fire."
I told him that I will buy his toys in Korea.
"No toys in Korea. Buy toys at Toy Kingdom, the amazing toy store."
"No more Korea!"
"No toys!"

*My sister's family, my eldest daughter, Clarisse, and I went on a four-day vacation in Korea. It was my first vacation since Miggy was born more than 7 years ago and was my most memorable and priceless bonding moment with Clarisse.

The trip was my first days-off away from autism and into the teenage world of my Clarisse. We had fun, we licked ice cream together, ate Korean street-foods, and shopped (mostly window-shopped). She laughed at my silly jokes. I was amazed at her simplicity and naivety. Amid all the wonders now in front of her, I was surprised to hear her say, "I missed Miggy." Who doesn't? I was always looking at my watch, thinking what he and his daddy had been doing, and where they spent the day.

04 May 2010

"Let's go to the grocery store."

Just like any typical morning, Miggy comes up with his list of wanna-buys.

"Mommy, it's time to get dressed. Let's go to the grocery store. I want to buy Tiger energy cream cookie strawberry pop and Wildlife chocolates. Just two only." Miggy said.

How about for Ate? What are you going to buy for Ate?,
I asked.

"C2 green tea," he replied.