30 December 2010

Developmental Assessment Dec. 11, 2010

Date of Evaluation: December 11, 2010
Date of Birth: August 4, 2002
Chronological age: 8 yrs / 4 mos.

- Mainstream education at Ridgeview Academy, grade 1
- Once a week speech therapy at Play and Say Therapy Center
- Once a week tutorials at Tot's Thoughts Tutorial Center

Present Developmental Profile:
Locomotor 6 yrs level
Personal / Social 7 1/2 - 8 yrs level
Hearing and Speech 5 1/2 yrs level
Eye and Hand Coordination 7 yrs level
Performance 8 yrs level
Practical Reasoning 6 1/2 yrs level

No mental retardation.

Clinical Impression: Autism Spectrum Disorder

1. Continue speech therapy.
2. Continue present school placement with accommodations.
3. Behavior management - firm kindness.
4. Social skills training.
5. Developmental review after 1 year.

Assessment made by Dra. Millicent Mae Fronda - De Vera (Developmental Pediatrician, Notre Dame de Chartres Hospital)

18 December 2010

Longest Christmas

Play and Say Therapy Center's Christmas Party, December 18, 2010

The longest Christmas which won him a prize:

Miggy: "Merry Christmaaaaaaaaa............ ahhhhhhhhhhhh.............aaaaaaaaaassssssssss!"

15 December 2010

Educational Videos

These are just a few of the educational videos that helped shape Miggy's language skills. At first, he was only echolalic. He repeated every word from each video with the exact intonation used by the characters. The accent used was likewise mastered by Miggy (which was how he acquired an American accent). Everyday, he would watch the same video over and over again for at least two months from morning until night. Every now and then , I would pause the video and repeat some words or ask what-is-this-questions to test the effectiveness of the input. As the video played, Miggy and I acted out some scenes.

I felt ecstatic that even though all his language were merely copied from videos and from everything he heard around him, still, I was extremely proud that he could talk at least. He wasn't non-verbal at all!

One day, I said to myself, he would learn to use this copied language appropriately. This borrowed speech would later become his own.

And I was right! Absolutely!

11 December 2010

"Time to decorate the tree"

"Time to decorate the tree," Miggy sang.
"ra ra ra ra ra ra ra......... shiny and shimmery,
sparkly and glittery,
all because it's Christmas time."

Note: All ras stand for Miggy's lyrics incoherent to me because of his strong American accent.

Mommy: What do you want for Christmas?
Miggy: "Open the presents."

04 December 2010