Night of January 25, 2011:
Reading homework.
"No homework! I don't like homework!"
No choice. He read the poem, frequently pausing and looking elsewhere :
"Everybody says
I look just like my mother.
Everybody says
I'm the image of Aunt Heather.
Everybody says
My nose is like my father's.
But I want to look like me,
Why can't they let me be?"
Mommy: Everybody says I look just like my.....?
Miggy: "Father."
Miggy: "Aunt Heather."
Mommy: No, you think. Read the poem again.
In all the 4 poems he read, he gave me only 50% correct answers. Why? He was upset that I turned the dvd off while his most current favorite (Veggie Tales) was playing. But when before the questions, I reminded him to answer properly so that I would give him a surprise, he answered correctly.
Mommy: Next time we do your homework, you answer correctly, huh Miggy?
Miggy: "Yes, answer correctly."
Dear readers, I know the following may sound cruel, abusive and traumatizing. Condemn me, curse me, I'll accept. But please let this moment be mine. Forgive me, this was my only way of checking. Believe me, I felt so bad. But in the end, I was rewarded. Well, it went like this:
I am not your mother anymore. Naty (our maid) is your mother, I said to him.
He looked at me, tears poured down his chubby cheeks, "Yolette only, not Ate Naty! Ate Naty is not my mother! My mother is Yolette!"
Pushing for more of this new emotion he displayed for the first time, I added: Your daddy is not Gerry. My son is RJ, not Miggy.
All the more he cried. Face all red, tears pouring non-stop, liquid dripping from his nose, he said: "My daddy is Gerry! Your son is not RJ! Miggy is your son!"
I hugged him tight, and savored the moment.
I have long waited for this. Finally, after 8 years, 5 months, and 21 days! That was his first display of emotional attachment to me.