28 June 2013

His first day of the Jollibee Workshop

Today, on his first day of the workshop (exclusively for him and probably the first time they did this for a special child), he was oriented by Ate Jahara and Kuya Bryan (the store manager). Then, he was toured around the kitchen with strict hands-on-your-back instruction, taught some  kitchen rules, and made to pack those fries in a cute paper pocket and weigh. And finally, a taste of that steaming fries. 

27 June 2013

Family Drawing

"Oh, sorry, sorry! I forgot Lola."
And he added his Grandma to his already finished drawing of a family (a homework in Values).

23 June 2013

From this to this to this

His handwriting at 3:

At 7:

Today, at 10 yrs/10 months: A consistent Best in Writing awardee

15 June 2013

He cheats

He loves the Logo Quiz.
But here's the catch. Look, he cheats!