27 January 2012

Miggy and his priest friend, Father Chigo.
Instantly, they became friends.

"Where's the priest?" Miggy said, his eyes roaming, searching for a man in ankle-length white clothing. Seeing no one fitting his mind's description of a priest, he approached a saintly-looking man with the warmest smile and the most soulful eyes, and said, "Bless," and reached for the man's hand.
"God bless you," Father Chigo blessed his new friend.

01 January 2012

A Letter to Santa

My first born, now 17-year-old Clarisse, yearly every December would write a letter to Santa asking for gifts on Christmas Day. How I wish Miggy could do that too.
Here's what I did. I fabricated some kids' Santa letters, printed them out with fanciful borders for a more come-on effect, made him read each one to give him an idea. He took out a toy catalogue from his drawer and searched for things he wanted to have. Voila! His first letter to Santa!

Shown above is Miggy's letter to Santa.

....And here below is my letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,

I couldn't think of anything else to ask you this Christmas because you have given me too much already and I couldn't ask for more. I just want to thank you for not giving up on Miggy. Thank you ever so much for ceaselessly ringing your bells that he could now hear them. May your bells continue to chime and be heard and believed in like they did for me when I was a child.

Believingly Yours,
Miggy's Mom