25 May 2014

Self Introduction

With just 2 weeks prior to the opening of classes for school year 2014-2015, I have to get him ready with a self introduction for grade 5 in his new school.

24 May 2014

Flow Free

His most recent favorite. The Flow Free. 
Look how well he does it. Perfect!

23 May 2014

Banoffee Ice Cream Pie

A brother-sister teamwork.
This was actually a Banoffee fail. The toffee was a bit runny and should have been cooked a little longer. 
It was so generous that it did not set. To remedy this, we put it in the freezer. Voila! It came out to be the best tasting Banoffee pie ever! Cake and ice cream packed in one! Such a short life, though. It survived only for 2 days.

21 May 2014


"Mommy, I will make my K-Zone project."

It took him around 30 mins to assemble his jeep. Following the steps enumerated on the page, he was able to do this independently. 

For any typical child, this is way too ordinary, outdated, probably shrugged off and wouldn't even receive praises; but for any parent of a special child, this is a major milestone. Too grand and deserving of  claps, congratulations, hugs, and even an ice cream cup and a slice of his favorite cake.

16 May 2014

Excited for Grade 5

Where else would any Pinoy go to shop for school supplies? At the National Book Store!

"Natural book store" is what Miggy calls it.

02 May 2014

Word Searches

This album is actually a mom-session. These word searches are all free printable materials from the web. I always have them in a folder, ready for our study time. Variations in activities make our sessions more attractive, more fun and less boring than the traditional style. And of course, at the end of every session is a treat or a reward. Treats and rewards could be as simple as a movie (dvd), more game time, a sweet, bubble time, a star, a magazine, a cd, a burger, a bike ride, a little toy free from a kiddie meal, or simply a promise to buy him something he really, really likes for a later date. And sometimes for a later, later, later date that we know he will never ever forget because he will remind us every single day, such as: "Ate Clarisse will buy a green iPhone for Miggy in 2017."

01 May 2014

Speech Session, Reading Comprehension

Today's speech session is reading comprehension.
Teacher Justine (Miggy's speech therapist): Miggy, if you get 10 sad faces, you'll have no TV time this weekend.

An hour after, he got only 9 sad faces. We headed home with obvious delight on his face. A happy weekend ahead.