02 May 2014

Word Searches

This album is actually a mom-session. These word searches are all free printable materials from the web. I always have them in a folder, ready for our study time. Variations in activities make our sessions more attractive, more fun and less boring than the traditional style. And of course, at the end of every session is a treat or a reward. Treats and rewards could be as simple as a movie (dvd), more game time, a sweet, bubble time, a star, a magazine, a cd, a burger, a bike ride, a little toy free from a kiddie meal, or simply a promise to buy him something he really, really likes for a later date. And sometimes for a later, later, later date that we know he will never ever forget because he will remind us every single day, such as: "Ate Clarisse will buy a green iPhone for Miggy in 2017."