Occupational Therapy, one-on-one, 1hour, 2x a wk at Child’s Dream Foundation
Sensory integration ( deep pressure, brushing, massage, ball rocking); Writing activities - straight, diagonal & horizontal dotted lines; Tracing / Drawing of geometric shapes with templates; Spelling activities; Picture dictionary; Learning opposites; Color combination; Spelling blocks & Spelling puzzle; Identification of common objects; Group activities; Alphabet sequencing; Problem solving skills training; Interpreting pictures; Fine motor activity - using clothespins & small pegs; Coloring within borders; Tracing / Writing letters; Puzzle completion; Obstacle Course - get a little___, go under table, put in correct slot; Pegboard & color sorting; Waiting skills; Following instructions; Answering questions; Color identification; Alphabet identification; Coloring / Tracing; Tracing letters of name; Number identification; Alphabet sounds; Speech & language stimulation - speaking in simple sentences & short phrases; Listening / Following instructions; Following more complex verbal instructions and responding to questions appropriately; Using complete simple sentences; Using longer phrases; Action songs; Coloring within small regular & irregular boundaries; Tracing numbers; Matching; Fill in the blanks; Connect-the-dots; Writing numbers; Functional counting; Writing name; Action words; Reading / Word recognition; Answering "how many?"; Missing letters of common words.
Regular preschool (July 17–Aug 17, 2006), 45mins, 3x a week, at
For social interaction with regular kids; Academics : alphabets, numbers, colors and shapes; coloring.
* (It lasted only for a month because Miggy and four other special children were
rejected by the center and some parents.)
Mom Sessions: 24/7 redirecting, modeling, prompting & copying what the occupational therapist did.
Watching videos with Miggy (pausing the video every few minutes for step-by-step teaching) –
Special Kids Video Collection: Alphabets, Numbers & Quantities, Colors & Shapes, Spelling, All about Jesus, Animals, Birds & fish, Body Parts & Grooming;
Bumble Bee Vocabulary Builders (Volumes 1-5) and Action Words (Vols. 1-3)
Swinging in a hammock for 30mins -1hr per day for SI sensory integration (Miggy listened while Mommy counted 1 – 50, pausing to see if he would say the next number, which he did.) (Teaching alphabets; Mommy prompted: A is for____. Miggy answered “airplane” , B is for ____. “balloon”,…... Z is for _____. “zipper”.) Flashcards - alphabets, numbers, body parts, shapes, colors, fruits & vegetables,
vehicles, action words.
Sensory integration – deep pressure, massage, 15 - 30mins, at least once a day. Maintaining eye contact - always talking to Miggy at eye level; always prompting him to look at me.
Following simple instructions – Miggy, get the___. Open the door. Wipe your mouth. Throw in the garbage can. Pack away your toys.
Vehicle sounds; Animal sounds.
Self-help skills – washing hands, eating cereals by himself using spoon, eating cake using fork, combing hair, taking a bath, getting dressed.
Requesting/ Naming the title of the cd he wants to watch.
Reading / Spelling of common words (colors, shapes, animals, body parts)
Creative play –Basic toy manipulation: Lego building; building roads, railways, bridges and houses.
Pretend/imaginative play – acting out action words (Mommy acts, Miggy imitates) and puppet play.
More complex puzzle completion (up to 120 puzzle pieces).
Taking turns (still unsuccessful; very impatient at waiting turns).
Potty training -(still unsuccessful): diaper-clad at bedtime. He wouldn’t go back to sleep if I wake him up to urinate; diaper-clad at poop-time. He probably did not like the feel of the cold seat on his bottom.
Family Sessions: Regularly going to church (now able to remain seated for 20-30mins,
still fidgety);
Praying at bedtime (Miggy listened only while Mommy prayed: Dear Jesus, bless Mommy, bless Daddy, bless Ate, bless Miggy.)
Still no diet, except for a little limitation on sugar intake, especially from 4pm onwards, as this will cause hyperactivity.
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