Socialization : play dates with typical peers (1-2hrs, 2x a week) at SM Kid Around
Occupational Therapy one-on-one, 1 hour, 2x a week at Child’s Dream Foundation and
then at Systems Therapeutic Activity Center 1 hour, 2x a week
(Occupational therapies up to September 2007)
Sensory integration ( deep pressure, massage, jumping on trampoline); Writing activities – letters, numbers; Pegboard & color sorting; Listening; Following simple verbal instructions; Answering simple what questions – what is this?, what color is the ____?; Using phrases; Describing pictures; Using simple sentences; Reading/Word recognition; Counting & answering how many?; Filling in blanks – what’s the missing letter?; Waiting skills;
ADL Board (buttons, snaps, strip with buckle, Velcro & zipper); Structured & Free hand name writing; Structured & Free hand beading and stacking; Shape progressions (progressive use of shapes that involves patterning from easy to difficult); Copying skills; Flashcards – words, colors, shapes, numbers, body parts, fruits and vegetables; Behavior modification techniques; Sentence strips for social graces; Iconographic representation of facial expressions; Socialization – introduction of other kids in the midst of activities; Free play; Sensory integration – trampoline and therapeutic/Swiss ball; Complex puzzles, like Philippine map).
Speech Therapy, one-on-one, 1 hour, 2x a week at Child’s Dream Foundation
-started January 19, 2007
Answering simple what questions (about colors) - ex. What color is____?
Identification of objects by function - given choice of two pictures. Example: What do you use to call someone? (phone or chair), What do you use for brushing teeth?, to tell time?, when it’s raining?;
Increasing length of utterances (subject + verb + direct object. Ex: boy reading book);
Naming common objects; Identification of body parts; Behavior modification techniques;
Pretend play – Lego building (What are you doing?, what are you building?); Regulating – “give me + object + please”; “help me, teacher”, ”excuse me”, “bye + name”, “thank you”.;
Identification/naming of less familiar objects;
Attribution in 2 words – ex: blue boots, sitting doll, yellow t-shirt, green pail, red heart, orange skirt…
Yes and No – Is this a dog? (shown a picture of a horse) “No, it’s a horse.”, Is this a cow? (shown a picture of a cow), “Yes, it’s a cow.”
Answering “What’s that?” with familiar and less familiar objects;
Answering simple what questions: Animal sounds & vehicle sounds, ex. What does a dog say? Arf arf; What’s the sound of a train? choo choo;
Answering in complete sentences; Attribution in 2 words for familiar & less familiar objects;
Regulating – request for help, ex: Teacher Justine, give me ____./ Help me ____.
Describing actions in complete sentence using visual cues : subject + linking verb + verb + object, ex: The boy is pulling the rope.;
Increasing length of utterances – ex: Teacher asks: What color do you want? Miggy answers: Teacher Justine, I want yellow coin.;
Identification of objects by function – ex: What do you wear on your feet? Shoes.;
What questions – What can you eat? What can you drive? What can you drink?,
What do you use for coloring? What do you use to clean teeth? What do you wear when you’re cold?
Horseback riding therapy for 1 month 2x a week (June 2007) (speech lessons)
Big and small, long & short, tall & short;
“Over there” plus pointing to the object; Attribution in 2 words: color + object, number + object.
Attribution in 3 words: color + color + object, use of and, ex: black and white stripes;
Describing pictures; Part/Whole relationships;
Possessives - ex: Whose shirt is this? mine/teacher’s/yours
“I want ____.”, “Give me ____.”;
Yes and No: ex: Did Mommy drive the car?, Did you drink milk for breakfast?, Does an elephant say meow?, Can you eat a train?
Counting & counting slowly (one to one correspondence);
Pronouns (he/she); Negation – given 2-3 choices (Which is not a ____?);
Plurals – ex: flower/flowers; Using pronouns in sentences – ex: He is swimming in the water.
Regulating - given cues to request in complete sentences; Asking "What's this?";
Yes / No questions - ex. Is this a ___? "Yes, it's a ___." or "No, it's a ____."
Tutorials, one-on-one, 1 hour, 2x a week, February & March 2006 (2mos.)
given by U.B. student volunteers
Special Education, one-on-one, 2hrs, 3x a week, at Easter College Sped,
(started August 6, 2007):
Colors, Pre-writing and writing skills, reading, letter name and
sounds, blending vowel and consonant sounds, matching words with their beginning/ending sounds, understanding comparisons (fat & thin, long & short, big & small, thick & thin), classification (same and different, What doesn’t belong?), fruits and vegetables parts of the body, nursery rhymes, art, praying.
Mom Sessions: 24/7 redirecting, modeling, prompting & copying what the
Sensory Integration – occasional massage and deep pressure when fidgety and hyperactive.
Watching videos with Miggy (pausing the video every few minutes for step-by-step teaching) – alphabets, numbers, body parts, animals, colors, shapes, spelling, getting dressed, opposites, music, all about Jesus, places to go to ( school, church, restaurant, theater, barber shop, grocery store, library), grooming, getting ready, telling the time, counting, action words, food, simple math.
Flashcards – alphabets, numbers, animals, vehicles, body parts, shapes, colors,
Self-help skills – getting dressed, self-feeding, grooming, toileting (indicating need to urinate or defecate), buttoning/buckling/snapping/zipping/velcro.
Maintaining eye contact – always prompting Miggy to look at me.
Teaching Yes and No.
Hi, Hello, Thank you, I’m sorry. Goodbye.
Teaching facial expressions – happy, sad, angry, surprised, scared.
Connecting paper clips or clothespins – to increase concentration and attention span.
Always prompting Miggy to talk; Express wants – “Miggy wants___.”
Following simple instructions.
Creative play – drawing, painting, basic toy manipulation.
Pretend play – acting out scenes, like going to the grocery store, cooking, eating
Setting the table; Folding clothes; Clean up.
Taking turns (still unsuccessful; very impatient at waiting turns)
Potty training (still unsuccessful): diaper-clad at bedtime. He wouldn’t go back to sleep if I wake him up to urinate; diaper-clad at poop-time. He probably did not like the feel of the cold seat on his bottom. “Mommy, diaper on. Miggy u-u.”
Computer lessons (given by older sister) at least once a week (started April 2007)
Keyboard functions, using the mouse, Typing in Microsoft Word, Playing simple games (following instructions): ex: Click only the diamonds, Click on the green dots, Put yellow crayons in yellow pail, What’s missing?, Which way to the ____?
Family Sessions: Regularly going to church (Shortly before his 5th birthday, he was
successfully able to complete the whole 1hour mass; patiently waited for the mass to end to be able to kiss the priest’s hand);
Praying at bedtime – Miggy’s prayer: “Dear Jesus, bless Mommy, bless Daddy, bless Ate, bless Miggy.”
Still no diet, except for a little limitation on sugar intake, especially from 4pm onwards,
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