February 2008 to December 2008
Occupational therapy one-on-one, 1 hour once a month at Child’s Dream Foundation
Monthly evaluation: assessment of behavior; abstract skills; basic cause and effect; functioning skills; senses; comprehension; gross and fine motor skills.
Speech Therapy one-on-one, 1 hour, 2 x a week at Child’s Dream Foundation
Pronouns – ex: What is he/she doing? “She is running.”, “He is swimming.”;
What questions – common knowledge: ex: What do you put on a toothbrush?, What does green mean?, What does red mean?, What is the color of an apple?, What do you use for writing, What do you use when it’s raining?, What do you use to slice food?, What do you use to cut paper?.....;
Where questions with visual cues – rooms in the house, ex: Where do you find the tv?, Where do you sleep?, Where do you take a bath?, Where do you find the refrigerator?...;
Identification of objects when described – given choices, ex: This is a fruit that is color red and crunchy when you eat it. What is eat? :“apple”
Following commands – ex: Touch your nose and jump., Clap your hands and say your name. Touch your knees and kick your foot 2 times.
Wet and dry;
Completing analogies – purely auditory, ex: An elephant is big, a mouse is little.,
Apple is a fruit, carrot is a vegetable. Airplane is to air as boat is to water.
Where questions without visual cues (purely auditory) ( grocery store, school, library, bus station, barber shop, zoo, park, beach, house, farm, playground)– ex. Where does the cow live?, Where do you go to buy toys?, Where do you find animals?, Where do you find trains?
Naming objects (purely auditory) – ex. This is something you wear on your wrist to tell the time. “watch”;
Negation – ex: Which is not a ____?;
Use words that describe physical state (sleepy, hungry, thirsty, cold, hot, happy, sad, scared, angry) – ex. What do you feel when you want to eat? “hungry”, What do you feel when you want to drink? “thirsty”, What do you fell if you want to wear a jacket? “cold”…;
Completing analogies – seat on chair, eat on table; cow gives milk, chicken gives eggs; apple is red, banana is yellow.
Defining words – ex. What is an apple? “something you eat”;
Identifying objects that don’t belong – Which one is different?;
Following 2 step-related commands – ex. Get blue and color rabbit’s shoes.;
Describing pictures/scenes; Object descriptions (auditory input);
Categories (animals, toys, food, clothing, vehicles);
Who questions – ex. Hannah is drinking milk. Who is drinking milk?, “Hannah”;
Describing items using long and short in phrases/sentences;
Object/place/animal description – ex. This is something that you use for writing, it has an eraser on top. What is it? “It’s a pencil.”;
Grocery shopping and Movie watching with Teacher Justine and Teacher Lua at SM (Wall-E);
Why questions – ex. Why should you not play with fire? “because you will get burned”, Why should you wash your hands? “because it’s dirty”, Why do you exercise? “to stay healthy”, Why should someone watch you when you swim? “because you might drown”, Why should you not get wet in the rain? “because you will get sick”.
Name categories- (animals, toys, food, vehicles, music, clothes); Half and whole; Drawing and describing; Naming objects/places when described; Ordering items from smallest to biggest/biggest to smallest;
Listening comprehension – (simple story)/ answering who/what/where questions;
Naming items when described – food and body parts; Reading comprehension;
Describing/Formulating sentences.
Special Education , 2hrs, 3x a week at Easter College Sped
Activities: Writing, spelling, reading, coloring, math, nursery rhymes, art, self-help skills, exercises (dancing, morning exercises), social skills.
Tutorial classes, 1hour, 2x a week (2 months) (February and March 2008)
at Tot's Thoughts Tutorial and Resource Center:
Touch Math (addition of one to three digits) and self-help skills (washing hands and face, eating snack, grooming and getting dressed).
Tutorial classes, 1 hour 2x a week (started November 2008) at Tot’s Thoughts Tutorial
Puzzle; Coloring; Story-telling; Reading; Phonetic reading-strategy (Letter & sound, syllable, cvc/short vowel sound, long vowel sound); Tracing broken lines (letters, words and sentences); Blends; Writing (blue to blue & red to blue).
Mom Sessions : 24/7 redirecting, modeling, prompting & copying what the
Sensory integration when needed(massage/deep pressure).
Watching videos with Miggy (pausing the video every few minutes for step-by-step teaching) –Telling the time; Spelling; Opposites; Places to go to ( school, church, restaurant, theater, barber shop, grocery store, library); Reading; Math; Educational videos – Hi-5, Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, Sesame Street, Barney, and some children’s movies.
Self-help skills – self-feeding, taking a bath, getting dressed.
Teaching parts of the house and things found in every room.
Always prompting Miggy to talk; Expressing needs/wants.
Bedtime stories.
Look-and-find books – for concentration and attention span.
Puzzles; Workbooks; Telling the time; Making the bed.
Creative Play – building Lego house; Arranging furnitures in playhouse.
Potty training - (still unsuccessful): diaper-clad at bedtime. He wouldn’t go back to sleep if I wake him up to urinate; still diaper-clad at poop-time. He probably did not like the feel of the cold seat on his bottom. “Mommy, put diaper on. Miggy wants to u-u.”
Computer Sessions, 1-2hrs at least once a week:
Typing in Microsoft Word the following: his name, name of favorite cartoon characters, alphabets, numbers 1-50, different colors with matching font color.
Playing educational games, like Caillou Colors and Shapes, Lion King Activity Center, Blue’s Clues Preschool, Disney coloring, What’s Different?, Arranging furnitures in different parts of the house, What’s missing?.
Family Sessions : Regularly going to church - able to complete the whole 1hour mass;
Playing simple and non-violent play station games with older sister – for cause and effect.
Bedtime prayers: Prayer to my Guardian Angel (with pauses to allow
Miggy to participate, then the “Dear Jesus, bless Lolo, bless Lola, bless Mommy, bless Daddy, bless Ate, bless Miggy”, then he would add on his own: “Bless Teacher Justine, bless Teacher Thelma, bless Teacher Joan….bless trees, flowers, butterflies, cars, Superman, Spiderman, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Sponge Bob, Dumbo, Jolibee,
Still no diet, except for a little limitation on sugar intake, especially from 4pm onwards,
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